Construction companies are often intimidated by the process of obtaining a construction stormwater general permit in Utah — and with good reason. Reading the Environmental Protection Agency’s rules for obtaining construction general permits and drawing up stormwater pollution prevention plans is enough to make anyone’s head swim. At Silver Leaf SWPPP, our team is here to help. Below, we outline the steps for getting your construction stormwater general permit, and we go over how we can help you with your SWPPP.
In its guidelines for obtaining a construction general permit, the EPA suggests construction companies and subcontractors familiarize themselves with the EPA’s guidelines for projects. Once this step is complete, construction companies — as well as subcontractors, owners, etc. — must file a notice of intent.
This is the part many construction companies require help with. A SWPPP is a long and technical document which must be updated throughout the project, and if any mistakes are made, your company could be fined or work could be stopped. At Silver Leaf SWPPP, we specialize in helping companies develop SWPPPs.
The purpose of a SWPPP is to help prevent local water supplies from becoming contaminated. Without SWPPP compliance, rain can wash contaminants from construction sites into storm drains that lead to larger bodies of water. These contaminants include dirt, silt, trash and chemicals such as refrigerant, gas or oil.
SWPPP plans outline ways to curb pollution and stop erosion based on the geography of the site in question. The plan may include installing erosion control solutions such as silt fences and berms around storm drains.
This step is also often a difficult one. The government wants construction companies to take special care when working in areas that could impact endangered species. There are federal, state and tribal lists of endangered and threatened species; however, it can sometimes be difficult to determine if your project will affect these species. You may not be sure if they are living near your project site. Further, the EPA requires you to look beyond the immediate site to farther-flung areas, and it isn’t always clear how far is considered far enough.
Enlist the Help of Silver Leaf SWPPP
If your construction company is not large enough to fund its own SWPPP division, you are better off using a stormwater management company such as Silver Leaf SWPPP to help you. While you may eventually learn the parameters necessary to file your own documents for your construction general permit, the time you put into it may be better spent on what you do best: building. Additionally, SWPPP regulations frequently change, so it’s important to keep up with these changes.
For help with your stormwater management plan, contact Silver Leaf SWPPP. We can take care of all the paperwork necessary for you to get your construction stormwater general permit.